In [1]:
import IPython.core.display as di
# This line will hide code by default when the notebook is exported as HTML
di.display_html('<script>jQuery(function() {if (jQuery("body.notebook_app").length == 0) { jQuery(".input_area").toggle(); jQuery(".prompt").toggle();}});</script>', raw=True)
# This line will add a button to toggle visibility of code blocks, for use with the HTML export version
di.display_html('''<button onclick="jQuery('.input_area').toggle(); jQuery('.prompt').toggle();">Show/Hide code</button>''', raw=True)
In [2]:
#Allow the created content to be interactivelly ploted inline
%matplotlib inline
#Establish width and height for all plots in the report
#pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18, 6) #width, height
In [3]:
#Import needed libraries
import os
from os.path import join, getsize
import pandas as pd
from cycler import cycler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import collections
import matplotlib as mpl
inline_rc = dict(mpl.rcParams)
#the next cell enables plotting tables without borders
In [4]:
table,td,tr,th {border:none!important}

Summary report of the CO$_2$MPAS WLTP to NEDC CO$_2$ emission simulation model - manual vehicles (v.1.3.Qube)

In [5]:
#Specify the output folder and file containing the CO2MPAS summary output file.
folder = r'D:\co2mpas-version-trials\20160714\out_MT_lowonly'
file = '20160714_203434-summaryAN.xlsx'
infile = join(folder, file)
df=pd.read_excel(infile, 'summary', header=[0, 1, 2, 3], index_col=[0], skiprows=[4])
In [6]:
#Gather and name the basic variables used in the report according to their name in the CO2MPAS output file
NEDC = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['output']['co2_emission_value']
NEDCt = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['target']['co2_emission_value']
UDC = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['output']['co2_emission_UDC']
UDCt = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['target']['co2_emission_UDC']
EUDC = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['output']['co2_emission_EUDC']
EUDCt = df['nedc_h']['prediction']['target']['co2_emission_EUDC']
#Obtain the case number and vehicle model from the input file
df['vehicle'] = df.index
cases = df['vehicle'].str.split('_').str[-1].astype('int')
model = df['vehicle'].str.split('_').str[0]
#Create a dataframe with this data
valuesDF = pd.DataFrame({'NEDC': NEDC,'NEDCt':NEDCt, 'dNEDC':NEDC-NEDCt,'UDC': UDC,'UDCt':UDCt, 'dUDC':UDC-UDCt,'EUDC': EUDC,'EUDCt':EUDCt, 'dEUDC':EUDC-EUDCt,'Case':cases,'Model':model})   
#calculate percentages
valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'] = pd.Series((valuesDF.dNEDC/valuesDF.NEDCt*100), index=valuesDF.index)
valuesDF['UDC error [%]'] = pd.Series((valuesDF.dUDC/valuesDF.UDCt*100), index=valuesDF.index)
valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'] = pd.Series((valuesDF.dEUDC/valuesDF.EUDCt*100), index=valuesDF.index)
valuesDF = valuesDF.dropna()

Section 1. Performance of the model. All vehicles and test cases.

Error statistics for CO$_2$ emission per driving cycle

Error statistics for NEDC, UDC, and EUDC CO$_2$ emission [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]

In [7]:
#Create a dataframe with the NECD, UDC, EUDC error statistics
errorsDF = pd.DataFrame(index=['Averages','StdError','Median','Mode','StdDev','Variance','Kurtosis','Skweness','Range','Minimum','Maximum','Sum','Count','Confidence level (95%)'], columns=['NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]','UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]', 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]'])
errorsDF.loc['Averages'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.mean(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.mean(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.mean(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['StdError'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.sem(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.sem(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.sem(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Median'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.median(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.median(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.median(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Mode'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.mode().iloc[0],2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.mode().iloc[0],2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.mode().iloc[0],2)})
errorsDF.loc['StdDev'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.std(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.std(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.std(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Variance'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.var(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.var(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.var(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Kurtosis'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.kurtosis(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.kurtosis(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.kurtosis(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Skweness'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.skew(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.skew(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.skew(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Range'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round((valuesDF.dNEDC.max()-valuesDF.dNEDC.min()),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round((valuesDF.dUDC.max()-valuesDF.dUDC.min()),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round((valuesDF.dEUDC.max()-valuesDF.dEUDC.min()),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Minimum'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.min(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.min(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.min(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Maximum'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.max(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.max(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.max(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Sum'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.sum(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.sum(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.sum(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Count'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dNEDC.count(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dUDC.count(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':round(valuesDF.dEUDC.count(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Confidence level (95%)'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':2*round(valuesDF.dNEDC.sem(),2), 'UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':2*round(valuesDF.dUDC.sem(),2), 'EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]':2*round(valuesDF.dEUDC.sem(),2)})
NEDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$] UDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$] EUDC [gCO$_2$ km$^{-1}$]
Averages -0.15 -0.84 0.24
StdError 0.05 0.1 0.03
Median -0.32 -1.65 0.04
Mode -4.45 -5.79 -3.72
StdDev 2.1 4.49 1.38
Variance 4.42 20.2 1.92
Kurtosis -0.43 0.28 0.15
Skweness 0.35 0.73 0.3
Range 11.79 27.19 9.33
Minimum -5.02 -9.74 -4.02
Maximum 6.78 17.45 5.3
Sum -325.43 -1818.12 510.48
Count 2171 2171 2171
Confidence level (95%) 0.1 0.2 0.06

Error statistics for NEDC, UDC, and EUDC CO$_2$ emission [%]

In [8]:
#Create a dataframe with the NECD, UDC, EUDC error statistics
errorsDF = pd.DataFrame(index=['Averages','StdDev','Minimum','Maximum','Cases in ±4%','Cases in ±2.5%'], columns=['NEDC [%]','UDC [%]', 'EUDC [%]'])
errorsDF.loc['Averages'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'].mean(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'].mean(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'].mean(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['StdDev'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'].std(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'].std(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'].std(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Minimum'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'].min(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'].min(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'].min(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Maximum'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'].max(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'].max(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'].max(),2)})
errorsDF.loc['Cases in ±4%'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]']<abs(4))/len(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'])*100,1), 'UDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['UDC error [%]']<abs(4))/len(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'])*100,1), 'EUDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]']<abs(4))/len(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'])*100,1)})
errorsDF.loc['Cases in ±2.5%'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]']<abs(2.5))/len(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'])*100,1), 'UDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['UDC error [%]']<abs(2.5))/len(valuesDF['UDC error [%]'])*100,1), 'EUDC [%]':round(sum(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]']<abs(2.5))/len(valuesDF['EUDC error [%]'])*100,1)})
NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Averages -0.16 -0.6 0.2
StdDev 1.65 2.82 1.26
Minimum -4.31 -6.75 -3.35
Maximum 5.2 9.99 4.53
Cases in ±4% 99.4 93.7 99.9
Cases in ±2.5% 93.7 83.8 95.2

Distribution of the NEDC, UDC and EUDC errors [%]

In [15]:
mydict = ([('NEDC', 0), ('UDC', 1), ('EUDC', 2)])
mydict = collections.OrderedDict(mydict)
for cycle in mydict:
    if cycle == 'NEDC':
        boxcolor = 'green'
    elif cycle == 'UDC':
        boxcolor = 'blue'
        boxcolor = 'red'
    # Create a figure instance
    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
    # Create an axes instance
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    hist = valuesDF[cycle+' error [%]'].hist(bins=np.arange(min(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]']), max(valuesDF['NEDC error [%]']) + 0.5, 0.5), color=boxcolor)
    hist.set_xlabel(cycle+" error [%]",fontsize=14)
    plt.title(cycle+' CO$_2$ emission error distribution', fontsize=20)
    plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=16)
    plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=16)
    ax.set_xlim(-10, 10)

Comparative emission error per driving cycle (%)

In [17]:
#Boxplots of the error distribution
toboxplot = [valuesDF['NEDC error [%]'],valuesDF['UDC error [%]'],valuesDF['EUDC error [%]']]
# Create a figure instance
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
# Create an axes instance
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Create the boxplot with fill color
bp = ax.boxplot(toboxplot, sym='', patch_artist=True, whis=10000, showmeans=True, meanprops=(dict(marker='o',markerfacecolor='yellow')))
for box in bp['boxes']:
    # change outline color
    box.set( color='black', linewidth=1)
    # change fill color
    box.set( facecolor = '#b78adf' )
    ## Custom x-axis labels
ax.set_xticklabels(['NEDC', 'UDC', 'EUDC'],fontsize=20)
## Remove top axes and right axes ticks
#Set y axis title
plt.title('CO$_2$ emission error by driving cycle', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("error [%]",fontsize=18)
plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=16)
ax.set_ylim(-15, 15)
plt.setp(bp['medians'], color = 'purple', linewidth = 2)
print('The purple box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.\nThe dark purple line is the median.\nThe yellow dot is the mean.\nthe whiskers show the min and max values.')
The purple box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.
The dark purple line is the median.
The yellow dot is the mean.
the whiskers show the min and max values.

Error statistics per technology type

In [11]:
#Print a dictionary with the tested technologies and their identification codes
tec = pd.DataFrame(index=['Base case','Gear configuration A','Gear configuration B','No Start/Stop','No Break energy recuperation','Variable valve lifting','Direct injection/Multipoint injection','Thermal management'])
tec['Technology code'] = ['BC','GCA','GCB','NOSS','NOBERS','VVL','DI/MPI','ThM']'Technology type'
Technology type Technology code
Base case BC
Gear configuration A GCA
Gear configuration B GCB
No Start/Stop NOSS
No Break energy recuperation NOBERS
Variable valve lifting VVL
Direct injection/Multipoint injection DI/MPI
Thermal management ThM
In [12]:
#Function that assigns the number of case to the specific technology tested for each vehicle model
def assign_technol_perCarAndCase(df):
    #looks for the case # in the input file and assigns a technology
    df_basecase = df[valuesDF['Case'] <= 27]
    df_gca = df[(valuesDF['Case'] > 27) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 54)]
    df_gcb = df[(valuesDF['Case'] > 54) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 81)]
    df_noss = df[(valuesDF['Case'] > 81) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 108)]
    df_nobers = df[(valuesDF['Case'] > 108) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 135)]
    #some vehicles have more possible technologies than others (long vs short) and an additional technology assignment is performed for the former group
    In_long = (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle01') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle02') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle03') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle04') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle05') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle06') |  (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle07')
    In_short = (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle08') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle09') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle10') | (valuesDF['Model'] == 'Vehicle11')
    I_vvl = (valuesDF['Case'] >= 136) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 162)
    df_vvl = df[In_long & I_vvl]
    I_dimpi = (valuesDF['Case'] >= 163) & (valuesDF['Case'] <= 189)
    df_dimpi = df[In_long & I_dimpi]
    I_short_tm = (valuesDF['Case'] >= 136)
    I_long_tm = (valuesDF['Case'] >= 190)
    I_tm = (In_short & I_short_tm) | (In_long & I_long_tm)
    df_tm = df[I_tm]
    #Append to the original DF a column with the technology IDcode
    pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
        df_basecase.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'BC'
        df_gca.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'GCA'
        df_gcb.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'GCB'
        df_noss.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'NOSS'
        df_nobers.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'NOBERS'
        df_vvl.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'VVL'
        df_dimpi.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'DI/MPI'
        df_tm.loc[:,'Tecno'] = 'ThM'
    bigdata = pd.concat([df_basecase,df_gca,df_gcb,df_noss,df_nobers,df_vvl,df_dimpi,df_tm], ignore_index=False)
    return bigdata
In [13]:
#Plot the NEDC errors per technology type in a boxplot
tech = assign_technol_perCarAndCase(valuesDF)
techBC = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'BC']
techGCA = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'GCA']
techGCB = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'GCB']
techNOSS = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'NOSS']
techBERS = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'NOBERS']
techVVL = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'VVL']
techDIMPI = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'DI/MPI']
techThM = tech[tech['Tecno'] == 'ThM']
mydict = ([('NEDC', 0), ('UDC', 1), ('EUDC', 2)])
mydict = collections.OrderedDict(mydict)
for cycle in mydict:
    techboxplot = [techBC[cycle+' error [%]'],techGCA[cycle+' error [%]'],techGCB[cycle+' error [%]'],techNOSS[cycle+' error [%]'],techBERS[cycle+' error [%]'],techVVL[cycle+' error [%]'],techDIMPI[cycle+' error [%]'],techThM[cycle+' error [%]']]
    if cycle == 'NEDC':
        boxcolor = 'green'
    elif cycle == 'UDC':
        boxcolor = 'blue'
        boxcolor = 'red'
    # Create a figure instance
    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
    # Create an axes instance
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # Create the boxplot with fill color
    bp = ax.boxplot(techboxplot, sym='', patch_artist=True, whis=10000, showmeans=True, meanprops=(dict(marker='o',markerfacecolor='yellow')))
    for box in bp['boxes']:
        # change outline color
        box.set( color='black', linewidth=1)
        # change fill color
        box.set(facecolor = boxcolor)            
        ## Custom x-axis labels
    ax.set_xticklabels(['BC', 'GCA', 'GCB','NOSS','NOBERS','VVL','DI/MPI','ThM'],fontsize=20)
    ## Remove top axes and right axes ticks
    #Set y axis title
    plt.title(cycle+' CO$_2$ emission error by technology type', fontsize=20)
    plt.ylabel("error [%]",fontsize=18)
    plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=18)
    ax.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    plt.setp(bp['medians'], color = 'purple', linewidth = 2)
    print('The green box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.\nThe dark purple line is the median.\nThe yellow dot is the mean.\nthe whiskers show the min and max values.')
    print('\nDescriptive statistics for '+cycle+' CO2 emission error per technology type')
    grouped = tech.groupby('Tecno')
    gmean = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].mean()
    gsem = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].sem()
    gmedian = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].median()
    gstd = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].std()
    gvar = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].var()
    gskew = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].skew()
    grange = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].max()-grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].min()
    gmin = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].min()
    gmax = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].max()
    gsum = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].sum()
    gcount = grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].count()
    gCI95 = 2*grouped[cycle+' error [%]'].sem()
    errorsTec = pd.DataFrame(index=['Averages','StdError','Median','StdDev','Variance','Kurtosis','Skweness','Range','Minimum','Maximum','Sum','Count','Confidence level (95%)'], columns=['BC','GCA', 'GCB','NOSS','NOBERS','VVL','DI/MPI','ThM'])
    errorsTec.loc['Averages'] = pd.Series.round(gmean,2)
    errorsTec.loc['StdError'] = pd.Series.round(gsem,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Median'] = pd.Series.round(gmedian,2)
    errorsTec.loc['StdDev'] = pd.Series.round(gstd,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Variance'] = pd.Series.round(gvar,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Kurtosis'] = [round(techBC[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techGCA[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techGCB[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techNOSS[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techBERS[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techVVL[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techDIMPI[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2),round(techThM[cycle+' error [%]'].kurtosis(),2)]
    errorsTec.loc['Skweness'] = pd.Series.round(gskew,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Range'] = pd.Series.round(grange,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Minimum'] = pd.Series.round(gmin,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Maximum'] = pd.Series.round(gmax,2)
    errorsTec.loc['Sum'] = pd.Series.round(gsum)
    errorsTec.loc['Count'] = pd.Series.round(gcount)
    errorsTec.loc['Confidence level (95%)'] = pd.Series.round(gCI95,2)' error [%]'
The green box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.
The dark purple line is the median.
The yellow dot is the mean.
the whiskers show the min and max values.

Descriptive statistics for NEDC CO2 emission error per technology type
Averages -0.13 -0.19 -0.33 0.52 0.26 -0.53 -0.65 -0.54
StdError 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.16 0.1 0.08
Median -0.2 -0.23 -0.71 0.4 0.11 -0.87 -0.62 -0.46
StdDev 1.43 1.61 1.66 1.8 1.38 2.15 1.43 1.45
Variance 2.05 2.59 2.76 3.24 1.92 4.64 2.04 2.11
Kurtosis -0.75 -1.06 -0.88 -0.81 -0.15 -0.61 -0.78 -0.88
Skweness 0.15 0.13 0.39 0.23 0.61 0.47 0.1 0
Range 6.59 6.8 7.07 8.17 6.89 9.13 6.93 6.64
Minimum -3.17 -3.33 -3.29 -2.98 -2.61 -4.31 -4.01 -3.58
Maximum 3.42 3.48 3.78 5.2 4.28 4.82 2.92 3.06
Sum -40 -57 -99 154 78 -101 -123 -161
Count 308 297 297 297 297 189 189 297
Confidence level (95%) 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.31 0.21 0.17
The green box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.
The dark purple line is the median.
The yellow dot is the mean.
the whiskers show the min and max values.

Descriptive statistics for UDC CO2 emission error per technology type
Averages -0.4 -0.48 -0.97 1.13 -1.4 -0.92 -1.16 -0.95
StdError 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.13 0.28 0.17 0.15
Median -0.47 -0.75 -1.82 0.67 -1.92 -2.36 -1.43 -1.05
StdDev 2.51 2.64 2.62 3.04 2.27 3.8 2.34 2.55
Variance 6.32 7 6.86 9.26 5.16 14.43 5.47 6.51
Kurtosis -0.5 -0.76 -0.2 -0.88 -0.25 -0.04 -0.26 -0.45
Skweness 0.24 0.26 0.67 0.23 0.77 0.92 0.34 0.26
Range 13.75 12.31 12.66 13.05 10.04 16.4 11.68 13.55
Minimum -6.5 -6.09 -6.07 -4.92 -5.22 -6.41 -5.8 -6.75
Maximum 7.25 6.22 6.59 8.13 4.82 9.99 5.89 6.8
Sum -124 -142 -287 334 -415 -175 -220 -281
Count 308 297 297 297 297 189 189 297
Confidence level (95%) 0.29 0.31 0.3 0.35 0.26 0.55 0.34 0.3
The green box represents the 1st and 3rd quartile.
The dark purple line is the median.
The yellow dot is the mean.
the whiskers show the min and max values.

Descriptive statistics for EUDC CO2 emission error per technology type
Averages 0.07 0.05 0.16 0.01 1.66 -0.18 -0.23 -0.23
StdError 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.06
Median -0.06 -0.22 -0.19 -0.2 1.48 0.05 -0.11 -0.31
StdDev 0.95 1.26 1.28 1.05 1.07 1.2 1.05 0.98
Variance 0.9 1.6 1.65 1.11 1.14 1.43 1.11 0.97
Kurtosis 0.11 0.6 -0.58 -0.47 0.24 -0.62 0.33 -0.58
Skweness -0 0.76 0.42 0.11 0.01 -0.49 -0.46 0.01
Range 5.61 7.53 6.94 5.81 5.92 4.96 5.29 4.99
Minimum -3.04 -3 -3.17 -3.17 -1.61 -3.05 -3.35 -2.96
Maximum 2.57 4.53 3.77 2.63 4.3 1.9 1.94 2.03
Sum 22 14 47 2 494 -34 -43 -69
Count 308 297 297 297 297 189 189 297
Confidence level (95%) 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.15 0.11

Section 2. Performance of the model. Statistics per vehicle model and case test.

NEDC, UDC, and EUDC CO$_2$ emission error [%] per vehicle model

In [14]:
tech = assign_technol_perCarAndCase(valuesDF)
Carlist = list(sorted(tech['Model'].unique()))
Cidlist = list(range(len(Carlist)))
tech.cid = tech['Model'].replace(Carlist, Cidlist, regex = True)
tech['cod'] = tech.cid
dictecnos = {'BC':'o', 'GCA':'s', 'GCB':'v', 'NOSS':'p','NOBERS':'D','VVL':'4','DI/MPI':'+','ThM':'*'}
#Create a table with the error statistics for each car model
for x in Carlist:
    Car = tech[tech['Model'] == x]
    grouped = Car.groupby('Tecno')
    CarDF = pd.DataFrame(index=['Average','Median', 'StdDev'], columns=['NEDC [%]','UDC [%]', 'EUDC [%]'])
    CarDF.loc['Average'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(Car['NEDC error [%]'].mean(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(Car['UDC error [%]'].mean(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(Car['EUDC error [%]'].mean(),2)})
    CarDF.loc['Median'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(Car['NEDC error [%]'].median(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(Car['UDC error [%]'].median(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(Car['EUDC error [%]'].median(),2)})
    CarDF.loc['StdDev'] = pd.Series({'NEDC [%]':round(Car['NEDC error [%]'].std(),2), 'UDC [%]':round(Car['UDC error [%]'].std(),2), 'EUDC [%]':round(Car['EUDC error [%]'].std(),2)})[0,3]+' error'
    #plot the CO2 emission error histogram per vehicle model and cycle
    mydict = ([('NEDC', 0), ('UDC', 1), ('EUDC', 2)])
    mydict = collections.OrderedDict(mydict)
    for cycle in mydict:
        if cycle == 'NEDC':
            boxcolor = 'green'
        elif cycle == 'UDC':
            boxcolor = 'blue'
            boxcolor = 'red'
        fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
        plot = fig.add_subplot(111)
        plot.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14)
        plot.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=14)
        plot.set_xlim(-10, 10)
        car_hist = Car[cycle+' error [%]'].hist(bins=np.arange(min(Car['NEDC error [%]']), max(Car['NEDC error [%]']) + 35, 0.2), color=boxcolor)
        car_hist.set_xlabel(cycle+" CO$_2$ emission error [%]",fontsize=20)
    #plot the emission error per case, model, and cycle
        fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
        plot = fig.add_subplot(111)
        plot.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14)
        plot.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=14)
        plot.set_xlim(0, 220)
        for key, group in grouped:
            plt.plot(group['Case'], group[cycle+' error [%]'], color=boxcolor, marker=dictecnos[key], label = key, linestyle='')
            first_legend = plt.legend(numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.), loc=1, borderaxespad=0.)
   = plt.gca().add_artist(first_legend)
        plot.set_xlabel("Case #",fontsize=20)
        plot.set_ylabel(cycle+" error [%]",fontsize=20)
        line1 = plot.axhline(y=-2.5, color='grey', linestyle='-.', label='± 2.5%')
        line2 = plot.axhline(y=2.5, color='grey', linestyle='-.')
        line3 = plot.axhline(y=-4, color='black', linestyle='--', label='± 4.0%')
        line4 = plot.axhline(y=4, color='black', linestyle='--')
        plt.legend(handles=[line1, line3], loc = 3)
Vehicle01 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average -0.56 -1.47 0.17
Median -0.48 -1.65 -0.05
StdDev 0.84 1.66 0.77
Vehicle02 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 0.5 1.75 -0.65
Median 0.34 1.11 -0.62
StdDev 1.73 2.97 1.11
Vehicle03 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average -1.34 -2.33 -0.48
Median -1.31 -2.53 -0.59
StdDev 0.68 1.22 0.59
Vehicle04 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average -1.76 -3.61 -0.17
Median -1.81 -3.7 -0.33
StdDev 0.89 1.39 0.84
Vehicle05 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 1.25 1.86 0.78
Median 1.13 1.79 0.69
StdDev 0.9 1.87 0.6
Vehicle06 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 0.85 -0.01 1.64
Median 0.86 -0.12 1.53
StdDev 1.21 2.05 1.02
Vehicle07 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average -2.14 -3.33 -1.12
Median -2.07 -3.34 -1.26
StdDev 0.76 0.99 0.95
Vehicle08 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 2.12 2.7 1.58
Median 2.08 2.56 1.29
StdDev 1.04 1.86 0.91
Vehicle09 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average -0.78 -1.03 -0.61
Median -0.65 -1.09 -0.94
StdDev 1.07 2.2 0.96
Vehicle10 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 0.15 0.21 0.06
Median 0.04 0.04 -0.14
StdDev 1.09 2.39 0.69
Vehicle11 error NEDC [%] UDC [%] EUDC [%]
Average 0.64 -0.4 1.41
Median 0.54 -1 1.21
StdDev 1.04 2.4 0.83